Saturday, April 15, 2006


Walk through a garden for inspiration, or visit one of these websites to find classroom ideas and resources with a garden theme:

The Harvest of History website from The Farmer's Museum in Cooperstown, NY is packed with information about the history of farming and the sources of our food. The site is aimed at 4th grade students and has fascinating primary documents, video, and a video-maker.

The Huntington Library and Botanical Gardens offers Garden Lesson Plans grouped by four categories: Reading Plants, Japanese Garden, Discovering Plants, and Seeds & Sprouts. Grade levels are suggested.

The Garden, an interactive section of National Geographic's Xpedition Hall, helps students understand the impact of industry on Japan's environment. Use this interactive experience and the four associated K-12 lesson plans and resources to teach how human actions modify the environment.

April is National Garden Month according to The National Gardening Association. Sample lessons plans and activity ideas from Math in the Garden are part of the Kids Garden News at KidsGardening.

How Does My Garden Grow?, a Grade K-2 lesson plan from Read Write Think uses interactive tools to give students experience writing in science journals.